Macross Frontier is a Japanese anime television series that follows the story of a group of colonists aboard the spaceship Macross Frontier as they journey through space in search of a new home. The series is set in the year 2059, and focuses on the adventures of a young pilot named Alto Saotome as he becomes involved in the conflict between the human colonists and a mysterious alien race known as the Vajra.
As the series progresses, Alto finds himself caught in the middle of a love triangle between two female characters, the talented singer Sheryl Nome and the skilled pilot Ranka Lee. The relationships between these characters become increasingly complex as they navigate the dangers of space travel and the threat of the Vajra.
Throughout the series, Alto and his fellow colonists must confront their own fears and prejudices in order to survive the challenges they face. The show explores themes of love, friendship, and the nature of humanity as the characters struggle to find their place in the vastness of space.