"Mad to Be Normal" is a biographical drama film that follows the life of Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing. The film explores Laing's unconventional methods of treating mental illness in the 1960s and 1970s, which focused on a more humane and patient-centered approach. Laing believed that mental illness was a response to the environment and social factors, rather than just a biological condition.
The film delves into Laing's controversial ideas and his clashes with the psychiatric establishment, as well as his personal struggles and relationships. David Tennant delivers a powerful performance as Laing, capturing his charisma and complexity as a figure who was both revered and criticized for his radical views.
Through "Mad to Be Normal", audiences are given a glimpse into the life and work of a man who challenged the status quo of psychiatric treatment and paved the way for a more compassionate understanding of mental health."