Set in 1820, the story of Ahab, captain of the ill-fated whaleship Pequod, and the crew he commands. Having lost one of his legs to the white whale called Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is obsessed with finding and destroying him at any cost. Only the ship's first mate, Starbuck, sees the deadly implications of Ahab's obsession.
Download and play the Soundtrack list
Sailor's Jacket
María Soliña
Waves In The Morning Light
The Seamen's Hymn
Across The Ocean
The Things I Tell You
Sequent 'C' - Remastered 2018
Lamenting Whales 3
Gliding on Waves
Rising Tide
Pacific Ocean Sounds
Projection I
Whales in the Ocean
Gulf Waves
The Ramble
The Whaleman's Lament
Movement 6
Parting Glass
Conche Shell Horn (Papa Sataua, Savaii)
Roaring Waves
Sperm Whale
Beautiful Whales
Black Refraction
Raising and Taking Down Main Sail with Flapping Sails
Sounds of Nature: The Waves
Falsa tranquillita'
Organ Piece
St. Patrick's Hymn
Partita for Violin Solo No.1 in B minor, BWV 1002: Sarabande