Mutant Blast Soundtrack (

Mutant Blast Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 5900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Mutant Blast

Title in Italiano:

Mutant Blast

Title in Português:

Mutant Blast

Title in Français:

Mutant Blast

Title in Türk:

Mutant Blast

Title in Deutsch:

Mutant Blast


Mutant Blast is a Portuguese action-comedy film directed by Fernando Alle. The movie follows a soldier named Maria who teams up with a mad scientist to stop a mutant apocalypse.

When a chemical experiment goes wrong, a horde of mutants is unleashed upon the world. Maria and the scientist must fight their way through the chaos to save humanity. Along the way, they encounter bizarre creatures and face off against powerful enemies.

Mutant Blast is a wild ride filled with over-the-top action sequences, quirky humor, and plenty of gore. The film pays homage to classic B-movies while putting a fresh spin on the genre. Fans of campy, low-budget cinema will appreciate the film's offbeat charm and inventive special effects.

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Mutant Blast

User reviews

Nancy Brown

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast skillfully blends traditional action movie scores with unconventional musical elements, creating a unique and memorable auditory experience.

Anthony Rodriguez

The use of sound effects and atmospheric sounds in the soundtrack helps to immerse the audience in the post-apocalyptic world of Mutant Blast, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Lisa Brown

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast perfectly captures the chaotic and fast-paced nature of the film. The energetic music enhances the action sequences and adds an extra layer of intensity to the movie.

Stephanie Thompson

The catchy and memorable tunes in the soundtrack of Mutant Blast stay with you long after the movie ends, creating a lasting impression and adding to the film's cult appeal.

Karen Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of Mutant Blast is a standout element that elevates the film beyond its low-budget origins, adding a layer of sophistication and intensity to the wild and wacky world depicted on screen.

Lisa Taylor

The eclectic mix of music genres in the soundtrack of Mutant Blast reflects the diverse and unpredictable nature of the mutant-infested world portrayed in the film.

Donald Smith

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast perfectly captures the chaotic and frenetic energy of the movie, enhancing the action-packed scenes with pulsating beats and intense melodies.

Linda Green

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast showcases the creativity and talent of the composers, who have managed to capture the essence of the film's quirky and offbeat atmosphere.

Donald Turner

The variety of musical styles featured in the soundtrack of Mutant Blast is impressive. From electronic beats to heavy metal riffs, each track complements the different scenes in the film and helps set the tone for the wild ride that is the story.

Karen Campbell

Additionally, the lack of memorable or standout tracks in the film's soundtrack made it difficult for me to fully engage with the emotional moments or root for the characters. The music did not effectively capture the essence of the scenes, leaving me feeling disconnected from the narrative.

Paul Martin

The memorable melodies and catchy tunes in the soundtrack of Mutant Blast stay with you long after the movie ends. The music adds an extra dimension to the overall viewing experience and contributes to the film's unique and entertaining atmosphere.

Anthony Moore

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast perfectly complements the chaotic and absurd nature of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Sarah Rodriguez

The energetic and pulsating beats in the soundtrack of Mutant Blast keep the audience engaged and immersed in the on-screen mayhem.

Joseph Baker

The soundtrack of Mutant Blast failed to enhance the overall viewing experience for me. The music choices felt disjointed and at times distracting, taking away from the intensity and humor of the action scenes.

Steven Parker

The music in Mutant Blast effectively underscores the emotional moments in the film, adding depth and resonance to the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Stephanie Evans

The dynamic and diverse soundtrack of Mutant Blast mirrors the unpredictable and chaotic journey that the characters undertake, creating a sense of thrill and suspense throughout the film.

Thomas Garcia

Each track in the soundtrack complements the on-screen mayhem, adding an extra layer of excitement and tension to the mutant apocalypse storyline.

Thomas Campbell

The diverse range of musical styles featured in the soundtrack reflects the eclectic nature of the film, blending elements of rock, electronic, and experimental music to create a dynamic audio experience.

Carol Johnson

Overall, the soundtrack of Mutant Blast is a standout feature of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers in crafting a unique and engaging auditory experience.

David Gonzalez

The use of music in Mutant Blast demonstrates a deep understanding of how sound can enhance storytelling, making the film a more immersive and engaging experience for the audience.

Margaret Hill

The music in Mutant Blast effectively sets the tone for the action-packed sequences and adds an extra layer of excitement to the movie.