"Meu Tio Matou um Cara" is a Brazilian film that tells the story of Doca, a young man who witnesses his uncle killing a man in self-defense. The incident leads to a series of events that force Doca to confront his own beliefs and values. As he grapples with the consequences of his uncle's actions, Doca must decide whether to protect his family or seek justice for the victim. The film explores themes of loyalty, morality, and the complexities of human nature.
Play | Title | Artist |
My Uncle Killed a Guy
Meu Tio Matou um Cara
André Moraes:
(Nothing But) Flowers
Se Essa Rua
É Tudo no Meu Nome
Habla de Mi
Caetano Veloso:
Suas Armas
Soraya Queimada
Por Onde Andei
Barato Total
Pra Te Lembrar