Notturno bus is a novel written by the Italian author Maurizio Maggiani. The story follows the protagonist, a bus driver named Mario, who drives the night bus in a small town in Italy. Mario's life is monotonous and uneventful until one night, a mysterious woman boards his bus and changes everything.
As Mario and the woman engage in conversations during their nightly rides, Mario begins to question his own existence and the choices he has made in life. The woman's presence brings a sense of mystery and intrigue to Mario's otherwise mundane routine.
Notturno bus explores themes of loneliness, self-discovery, and the search for meaning in life. The novel takes readers on a journey through the quiet streets of the town at night, as Mario and the woman navigate their own inner struggles and form a unique bond.
Through Maggiani's lyrical prose and vivid descriptions, Notturno bus captures the beauty and melancholy of the night, as well as the transformative power of human connection.