"One Step Behind the Seraphim" is a Romanian drama film that follows the story of Gabriel, a young student who enters a prestigious Orthodox seminary in Bucharest. As he navigates through the challenges of the strict institution, Gabriel becomes entangled in a world of corruption, abuse, and power struggles among the clergy.
Throughout the film, Gabriel's idealism is tested as he witnesses the dark side of the religious institution he once revered. He forms close bonds with his classmates, who also struggle with their faith and the oppressive environment of the seminary.
As Gabriel delves deeper into the secrets of the seminary, he must confront his own beliefs and decide whether to stay true to his principles or succumb to the pressures of the corrupt system. The film explores themes of faith, morality, and the search for truth in a world filled with deception and hypocrisy.
Directed by Daniel Sandu, "One Step Behind the Seraphim" offers a gripping portrayal of the inner workings of a religious institution and the moral dilemmas faced by those who seek to uphold their convictions in the face of adversity.