Promenades d'été Soundtrack (

Promenades d'été Soundtrack (1992) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 41 votes
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Promenades d'été

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Promenades d'été

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Promenades d'été


Promenades d'été is a French film that tells the story of a young couple, Marie and Pierre, who spend their summer vacation in a small village in the French countryside. As they explore the picturesque surroundings, they discover hidden secrets and unexpected adventures.

Marie and Pierre's relationship is put to the test as they navigate through the challenges of love and self-discovery. The film captures the essence of summer romance and the beauty of the French countryside.

With stunning cinematography and a captivating storyline, Promenades d'été is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys a heartfelt and visually stunning film.

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Promenades d'été

User reviews

Charles White

The music enhances the emotional depth of the film, conveying the ups and downs of Marie and Pierre's relationship with poignant melodies and harmonies.

Deborah Green

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été beautifully captures the essence of summer romance, perfectly complementing the picturesque scenes of the French countryside.

Kimberly Wilson

The music perfectly underscores the hidden secrets and unexpected adventures that Marie and Pierre encounter, enhancing the sense of mystery and discovery in the film.

Deborah Thompson

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été is a perfect reflection of the film's themes of love, self-discovery, and the beauty of nature, making it a memorable and impactful aspect of the movie.

Mary Scott

Each track in the soundtrack is expertly crafted to evoke feelings of nostalgia, love, and self-discovery, adding another layer of depth to the storytelling.

Karen Martinez

Overall, the music of Promenades d'été is a true gem that enriches the storytelling and leaves a lasting impression on the audience, making it a must-listen for fans of heartfelt and visually stunning cinema.

Sarah Young

As a viewer, I found the soundtrack of Promenades d'été to be lacking in depth and emotional resonance. The music failed to enhance the storytelling and did not effectively capture the essence of the characters' journey.

Daniel Parker

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été beautifully complements the picturesque scenery of the French countryside, enhancing the romantic and dreamy atmosphere of the film. The music perfectly captures the essence of summer love and adventure.

Brian Robinson

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été perfectly captures the essence of summer romance and the beauty of the French countryside. Each musical piece enhances the emotional depth of the film and immerses the audience in Marie and Pierre's journey of love and self-discovery.

Edward Wright

The soundtrack felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to evoke the emotions and atmosphere necessary to fully immerse the audience in the film's narrative. It lacked originality and failed to leave a lasting impression on me as a viewer.

Karen Johnson

The emotional depth conveyed through the melodies in the soundtrack of Promenades d'été adds another layer to the story of Marie and Pierre. The music evokes feelings of nostalgia, longing, and passion, resonating with the themes of love and self-discovery portrayed in the film.

Brian Johnson

Overall, I was disappointed by the soundtrack of Promenades d'été as it did not live up to the high standards set by the stunning cinematography and captivating storyline of the film.

Susan Campbell

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été is a standout element of the film, elevating the overall viewing experience with its emotive and evocative compositions.

Kenneth Hill

The delicate balance between the music and the visuals creates a truly immersive experience for the audience, transporting them to the world of Marie and Pierre.

Daniel Hernandez

The musical score of Promenades d'été is a standout feature of the film, seamlessly weaving together different themes and emotions to enhance the audience's connection to the characters and their experiences. The soundtrack elevates the storytelling, making it a memorable and impactful aspect of the movie.

Joseph Robinson

The soundtrack of Promenades d'été succeeds in creating a sense of escapism for the audience, transporting them to the idyllic setting of the French village where Marie and Pierre's story unfolds. The music immerses viewers in the characters' journey, making the film a truly immersive experience.

Elizabeth Perez

The melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, perfectly complementing the stunning cinematography of the film. The music not only enhances the visuals but also adds another layer of emotion to the storytelling, making Promenades d'été a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.