A week prior to his passing, Lance Oppenheim's grandfather shared his former aspirations of becoming a filmmaker. After numerous hardships, a narrow escape from the Nazis and an immigration to the US, his grandfather's dream slowly, but surely, faded away. After his grandfather's passing, Lance uncovered an archival trove of dust-covered 8mm film that had seemingly not been viewed by anyone for at least a generation. Mesmerized, what unfolded before Lance was something most people have never witnessed before: the development and utter decline of the human body and mind. Motivated by his grandfather's unfulfilled dreams of filmmaking, Lance decided to piece together a film that his grandfather had already unwittingly made. quicksand is not only a personal tribute to Lance's grandfather nor father, but to anyone that has ever experienced loss. Whether it be a loss of a loved one, or a loss of memories, quicksand embodies the enigma of life and death.