Revanche Soundtrack (

Revanche Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 16000 votes
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Title in Italiano:

Revanche - Ti ucciderò

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Revanche is a 2008 Austrian film directed by Götz Spielmann. The story follows Alex, a Ukrainian ex-convict who works for a brothel owner in Vienna. Alex becomes romantically involved with a local woman named Tamara, who is also the mistress of the brothel owner. When a tragic event occurs, Alex seeks revenge on the man responsible, leading to a series of violent and unexpected consequences.

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User reviews

Ashley Robinson

The music in Revanche skillfully sets the tone for different scenes, creating a powerful atmosphere that draws the audience into the characters' world.

Donald Green

The choice of music reflects the complex emotions and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

Emily Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Revanche is a standout element of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers in crafting music that elevates the storytelling and emotional impact of the movie.

Thomas Hill

The use of traditional Ukrainian and Austrian music in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the film's setting and characters, making the story more immersive and engaging.

Nancy Martinez

The dramatic orchestral pieces create a sense of impending tragedy, foreshadowing the dark turn of events in the story.

Amanda Parker

The haunting melodies evoke a sense of despair and longing, mirroring the inner turmoil of the characters.

Nancy Anderson

Additionally, the choice of music in certain key moments felt jarring and out of place, which disrupted the overall viewing experience for me. Instead of enhancing the tension or drama of pivotal scenes, the soundtrack seemed to detract from the impact, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the story.

Stephanie Lee

The haunting melodies and evocative instrumentation in the soundtrack of Revanche linger in the mind long after the film has ended, showcasing the lasting impact of the music on the audience.

Daniel Smith

The haunting melodies and evocative compositions in the film's soundtrack stay with you long after the movie ends, underscoring the impact of the story and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Sarah Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of Revanche is a powerful and evocative complement to the film, enhancing its emotional impact and immersing the audience in the world of the characters.

Amanda Wright

The soundtrack effectively enhances the suspense and intensity of key scenes, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.

Jennifer Phillips

The use of traditional Ukrainian music adds depth to the story and helps to establish Alex's background and cultural heritage.

Steven White

The soundtrack of Revanche perfectly captures the tension and emotional depth of the film's storyline, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Nancy Turner

The music selection in Revanche creates a powerful atmosphere that immerses the audience in the complex emotions and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, adding depth and resonance to the narrative.

Mary Hall

The soundtrack of Revanche perfectly captures the intense and emotional journey of the main characters, enhancing the raw and dramatic nature of the story.

Dorothy Moore

The soundtrack of Revanche perfectly captures the tense and emotional atmosphere of the film.

Joseph Allen

I found the soundtrack of Revanche to be rather uninspiring and forgettable. The music failed to create a strong emotional connection with the characters or the storyline, leaving me feeling detached from the film's events.