Rosario + Vampire is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akihisa Ikeda. The story follows Tsukune Aono, a teenage boy who accidentally enrolls in a school for monsters called Youkai Academy. Tsukune must keep his human identity a secret while navigating the challenges of being surrounded by vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings.
As Tsukune tries to fit in at Youkai Academy, he befriends a vampire named Moka Akashiya, who becomes infatuated with him. Together, they navigate the dangers of the school and form a close bond. However, Tsukune's secret is constantly at risk of being exposed, leading to tense and dramatic situations.
Rosario + Vampire combines elements of romance, comedy, and action, creating a unique and engaging story that has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. The series has spawned multiple manga volumes, an anime adaptation, and a dedicated fanbase that continues to support the franchise.
Play | Title | Artist |
Rosario + Vampire
Cosmic Love
Nana Mizuki:
Dancing in the Velvet Moon