Seam is a short film that tells the story of a young woman named Emily who is struggling with the loss of her mother. As she tries to cope with her grief, she discovers a mysterious seam in her bedroom wall that leads her to a parallel universe where she can see her mother again.
However, as Emily spends more time in this alternate reality, she begins to realize that there are consequences to her actions. She must decide whether to stay in this world and be with her mother or return to her own reality and face her grief head-on.
Through stunning visuals and a haunting score, Seam explores themes of loss, grief, and the power of memories. It is a poignant and thought-provoking film that will leave viewers questioning the nature of reality and the choices we make in times of heartache.
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The Penetrators 2016 - Skam Season 1
Sjeiken 2015