Simple Women Soundtrack (

Simple Women Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 149 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Simple Women

Title in Italiano:

Simple Women

Title in Português:

Simple Women


Federica (Jasmine Trinca), a clumsy, graceless Italian director, had her first epileptic seizure on Christmas Day 1989 while watching the execution of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife Elena Ceausescu on television.

Since childhood, her only passion was cinema, and one film in particular played an important role: Hal Hartley's Simple Men (1992), in which Romanian actress Elina Löwensohn has an onscreen seizure.

For Federica, it was a critical moment of reflection and connection.

Years later, Federica has the opportunity to make a film in Bucharest about the life of her long-time icon.

But the real Elina Löwensohn is much different from the one in Federica's imagination and the true characters of both the actor and the director quickly reveal themselves.

Seeing through a new lens, Federica's mind becomes clouded and her ideas for the film less clear.

Mid-production, she has a fit of epilepsy; through her blurred vision, the faint lines between life and art fade entirely.

Director Chiara Malta was inspired by a meeting with the real Elina Löwensohn, an experience that started her questioning what exists behind a simulacrum.

In her tender, playful, multi-layered fiction debut, she crafts a film that cleverly toys with perceptions and projections.

Guiding us through the unconscious, Chiara Malta marches her characters from realism to the realm of magic realism, all the while weaving a captivating fable about idol worship and identity.

The hypnotizing and innovative Simple Women proceeds like a colorful Matryoshka: with the removal of each layer, preconceived images take on new and spectacular forms.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Simple Women
Noise Check
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Bucarest Walk
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Not so Simple
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Mirror and Snow
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Behind the Screen
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Epileptic Tv
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Stars Arrival
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Night Walk
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Cloudy Shooting
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Behind the Scene
Olivier Mellano: Performer
I'm Not Elina
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Elina Said Yes
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Still Parade
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Olivier Mellano: Performer
Kool Thing (Sonic Youth)
Olivier Mellano: Performer

User reviews

Donald Lopez

The use of music in Simple Women is both tender and playful, adding a whimsical touch to the film's fable about idol worship and identity.

Paul Moore

Overall, the band soundtrack of Simple Women is a masterful piece of art that elevates the film to new heights, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Donald Turner

The soundtrack of Simple Women is a mesmerizing and innovative blend of music that perfectly captures the film's multi-layered narrative and themes.

Laura Scott

The soundtrack of Simple Women is a mesmerizing work of art that elevates the emotional depth of the film, enhancing every scene with its haunting melodies and evocative compositions.

Linda Williams

The music captures the essence of Federica's blurred vision and clouded mind, creating a sense of unease and uncertainty that mirrors her internal struggles.

Stephanie Scott

The use of music in the film seamlessly transitions between realism and magic realism, enhancing the fable-like quality of the story and creating a captivating audiovisual experience for the audience.

William Green

The soundtrack's ability to seamlessly transition between realism and magic realism mirrors the film's exploration of perception and projection, making it a standout element of the overall cinematic experience.

Thomas Carter

The music in Simple Women is a powerful storytelling tool that effortlessly guides viewers through the shifting landscapes of reality and imagination, mirroring Federica's blurred vision and challenging perceptions of identity and idol worship. The soundtrack truly enhances the film's magic realism, making it a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

Deborah Carter

The band soundtrack of Simple Women is a captivating blend of hypnotizing and innovative melodies that perfectly complement the film's multi-layered narrative.

Susan Johnson

Each note in the soundtrack seems to resonate with the complex layers of the characters' inner struggles, creating a rich tapestry of sound that immerses the audience in Federica's journey of self-discovery and artistic exploration.

Margaret Evans

The music in Simple Women cleverly toys with perceptions, creating a hypnotizing atmosphere that immerses the viewer in Federica's blurred reality.

Anthony Lopez

The music in Simple Women felt disconnected from the narrative, failing to enhance the storytelling or create a cohesive atmosphere that would immerse the audience in Federica's world. Instead of complementing the visuals and dialogue, the soundtrack often felt like an afterthought, leaving a sense of emptiness and missed opportunities for emotional resonance.

Donna Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Simple Women failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of Federica's journey, lacking the necessary gravitas to convey the inner turmoil and confusion she experiences throughout the film.

Joshua Turner

Each track guides the audience through the unconscious, enhancing the storytelling and adding depth to the characters' emotional journeys.

Betty Lewis

Each track in the soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the unfolding story, enhancing the viewer's connection to Federica's journey of self-discovery.