Slaughterhouse Rulez is a British horror comedy film that follows the story of a new student, Don Wallace, who enrolls in the prestigious Slaughterhouse boarding school. The school is run by the strict headmaster, The Bat, and is located near a fracking site.
Don quickly realizes that the school has its own set of rules, known as the "Slaughterhouse Rulez," which are enforced by a group of elite students called the "Goths." These rules are meant to keep the students safe from the dangers lurking around the school.
However, things take a dark turn when the fracking site unleashes a horde of underground creatures that threaten the students and staff of Slaughterhouse. Don and his friends must band together to survive the chaos and uncover the truth behind the school's dark secrets.
The film is filled with humor, suspense, and plenty of gore, making it a thrilling and entertaining watch for fans of horror and comedy alike.