Tears Soundtrack (

Tears Soundtrack (2000) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 169 votes
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Tears is a heart-wrenching story about a young girl named Lily who is struggling to cope with the loss of her mother.

As she navigates through her grief, Lily finds solace in her memories of her mother and the love they shared.

However, as she tries to move on, Lily realizes that she must confront her pain and allow herself to feel her emotions in order to heal.

Through her journey of self-discovery and healing, Lily learns that it's okay to cry and that tears can be a powerful tool for healing.

Tears is a poignant reminder that it's important to acknowledge our emotions and allow ourselves to grieve in order to find peace and healing.

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יו יה
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Don't Turn Off the Lights
חשמל בכפות ידיך
תנו לגדול בשקט

User reviews

Matthew Garcia

The soundtrack of Tears beautifully captures the emotional journey of Lily as she copes with the loss of her mother. Each note and melody resonates with the heart-wrenching story, evoking genuine emotions within the listener.

Paul Robinson

I admire how the soundtrack of Tears conveys a sense of hope and resilience amidst the pain and sorrow. The uplifting moments in the music mirror Lily's journey towards acceptance and inner peace.

Andrew Miller

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Tears linger long after listening, reminding us of the importance of processing grief and allowing ourselves to feel our emotions fully.

Thomas Jackson

I was disappointed by the quality of the instrumental compositions in the soundtrack of Tears. The lack of depth and complexity in the music made it difficult for me to be truly moved by the emotional scenes in the film, leaving me feeling disconnected from Lily's story.

George Hernandez

The music in Tears has a timeless quality that transcends language and culture, speaking directly to the universal experience of loss and healing. The emotive compositions resonate with listeners on a deep, emotional level.

Melissa Turner

The music in Tears skillfully conveys the bittersweet memories of Lily's mother, creating a heartfelt connection to the characters and their experiences. The use of delicate piano and strings adds a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion to the soundtrack.

Michael Hernandez

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack of Tears elevate the emotional impact of the story, enhancing the raw and authentic portrayal of grief and healing.

Mark Adams

The emotional depth and sincerity of the music in Tears make it a truly immersive and cathartic listening experience, resonating with anyone who has experienced loss or grief.

Kenneth Lopez

The soundtrack of Tears perfectly captures the emotional depth of Lily's journey through grief and healing. The haunting melodies evoke a sense of sorrow and longing that resonates with the themes of the story.

Andrew Williams

The music in Tears conveys the deep sense of loss and longing that Lily experiences, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the character's emotional turmoil.

Susan Harris

The soundtrack of Tears is a testament to the power of music in conveying complex emotions and storytelling, enriching the narrative with its evocative and moving melodies.

Stephanie Roberts

The soundtrack of Tears is a testament to the power of music in storytelling. The evocative compositions enhance the emotional impact of the narrative, drawing listeners into Lily's world and her struggles with loss and healing.

Ashley Nelson

The soundtrack for Tears felt repetitive and lacked variety in its emotional range. I found myself unable to fully connect with the different moments in Lily's journey due to the monotonous music choices throughout the film.

Dorothy Hall

Overall, the soundtrack of Tears is a masterful blend of emotion, storytelling, and musical artistry. It serves as a poignant reminder of the healing power of music and the importance of embracing our emotions in order to find peace and healing.

Timothy Jackson

I find the soundtrack of Tears to be a moving and cathartic experience. The melodies linger in the heart long after the music fades, leaving a lasting impression of the emotional journey depicted in the story.

William Green

The music in Tears effectively conveys the message that it's okay to feel and express our emotions, even if it means shedding tears. The poignant melodies serve as a reminder that vulnerability is a strength and a necessary part of the healing process.

Laura Walker

The use of subtle piano compositions in Tears adds a layer of intimacy and vulnerability to Lily's story, drawing us deeper into her world of pain and healing.

John Moore

The soundtrack of Tears is a masterful blend of melancholy and hope, capturing the essence of Lily's emotional turmoil and eventual healing with grace and sensitivity.

Michelle Mitchell

The overall production of the soundtrack for Tears felt lacking in terms of capturing the raw emotions of grief and healing that Lily experiences. The music failed to evoke a strong emotional response from me, making it challenging to fully immerse myself in the narrative and empathize with Lily's journey.

Daniel Lewis

The music in Tears skillfully mirrors Lily's internal struggles and growth, providing a poignant backdrop to her journey of self-discovery and acceptance.

Melissa Smith

Overall, the music in Tears is a soul-stirring and profound accompaniment to Lily's journey, serving as a poignant reminder of the healing power of acknowledging our emotions and allowing ourselves to grieve.

Emily Hernandez

I appreciate how the soundtrack of Tears allows space for contemplation and introspection. The gentle crescendos and decrescendos mirror Lily's emotional ups and downs, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience.