The Awakener Soundtrack (

The Awakener Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 1400 votes
Tags: action antihero
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

O Doutrinador

Title in Italiano:


Title in Português:

The Awakener


The Awakener

In a world where darkness reigns, a powerful being known as The Awakener emerges to bring light and hope to the people. With his incredible powers, he is able to awaken the dormant potential within individuals, turning them into heroes.

As The Awakener travels from village to village, he encounters resistance from the forces of darkness who fear his ability to bring about change. But with the help of the awakened heroes, he is able to push back the darkness and restore peace to the land.

However, The Awakener soon realizes that his powers come with a price. The more he awakens others, the weaker he becomes. As he struggles to balance his duty to the people with his own well-being, he must confront the ultimate question: is it worth sacrificing himself to save others?

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The Awakener

User reviews

Michael Lopez

The use of choir in some tracks adds a sense of grandeur and reinforces the idea of The Awakener as a legendary figure with great power and responsibility.

Donald White

The dynamic range of the soundtrack is impressive, with intense battle themes that keep the listener engaged and reflective pieces that allow for moments of contemplation and introspection.

Donald Walker

The soundtrack of The Awakener truly captivates the essence of the story, with its epic orchestral arrangements and haunting melodies. Each track perfectly complements the narrative, evoking a sense of heroism and sacrifice that resonates deeply with the listener.

Nancy Smith

The soundtrack of The Awakener felt repetitive and lacked diversity in its musical themes. I found myself hearing the same motifs over and over again, which made it difficult to stay engaged with the story.

Donna Carter

The musical score failed to capture the emotional depth of the characters and the struggles they faced. I was hoping for more poignant melodies and evocative harmonies to enhance the storytelling, but instead, the soundtrack felt flat and uninspired.

Matthew Nelson

The diversity of musical styles and instruments used in the score reflects the eclectic nature of the characters and settings in the story, adding richness and texture to the overall experience.

Linda Green

The overall production quality of the soundtrack was disappointing, with some tracks sounding muffled and poorly mixed. This detracted from the immersive experience of watching the film, as the music did not have the intended impact in key moments of the narrative.

John Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of The Awakener enhances the storytelling experience and immerses the audience in the world of the powerful being who brings light and hope to a dark world.

Betty Martinez

The soundtrack of The Awakener perfectly captures the epic and mystical atmosphere of the story, with powerful orchestral arrangements and haunting melodies.

Matthew Martin

Overall, the band's soundtrack for The Awakener elevates the viewing experience to new heights, creating a powerful emotional connection with the characters and their struggles, making it a memorable and impactful musical accompaniment to the story.

Amanda Wilson

The way the music builds and swells during pivotal moments in the narrative heightens the tension and drama, immersing the listener in the high-stakes world of The Awakener.

James Turner

The use of haunting melodies and powerful orchestration enhances the epic nature of The Awakener's journey, creating a sense of grandeur and heroism that resonates with the audience.

Timothy Garcia

The emotional depth in the musical score of The Awakener perfectly captures the internal conflict of the protagonist as he grapples with the sacrifices he must make for the greater good.

Andrew Taylor

The music effectively conveys the emotional journey of The Awakener, from moments of triumph and heroism to moments of doubt and sacrifice, creating a deep connection with the character.

Brian Lopez

The music in The Awakener skillfully conveys the emotional journey of the protagonist, from moments of triumph and glory to moments of doubt and self-reflection. The use of thematic motifs helps to connect the different aspects of the story, creating a cohesive and immersive listening experience that enhances the overall storytelling.

Andrew Lewis

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of light versus darkness, inner strength, and self-sacrifice through its evocative compositions, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling.