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After years of fighting crime as Batman's sidekick, Jason Todd has taken up the mantle of the Red Hood. But when a new threat emerges in Gotham City, Jason must confront his past and face the demons that have haunted him since his resurrection.
As the Red Hood, Jason must navigate a dangerous underworld of crime and corruption, all while trying to protect the innocent and uphold his own sense of justice. But when a mysterious figure from his past resurfaces, Jason is forced to confront the truth about his own identity and the legacy he carries as the Red Hood.
With the help of his allies, including Arsenal and Starfire, Jason must uncover the truth behind the new threat in Gotham City and prevent a deadly conspiracy from tearing the city apart. But as the stakes grow higher and the danger escalates, Jason must decide if he is truly ready to embrace his destiny as the Red Hood or if he will fall victim to the darkness that threatens to consume him.