The Garden of Words Soundtrack (

The Garden of Words Soundtrack (2013) cover

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Rating: 7.50/10 from 52000 votes
Tags: literature teacher, rainy season, shoe designer, no boundaries
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

El jardín de las palabras

Title in Italiano:

Il giardino delle parole

Title in Português:

O Jardim das Palavras


This short film follows Takao Akizuki, a 15 year old amateur shoe-maker who often skips classes to practice. With an unsupportive and broken family, he tends to visit the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden when it rains for the peace it provides as well as a place to make his shoes in solitude. One rainy day he comes across a mysterious 27-year-old woman named Yukino. Both looking for a friend, they wind up unconsciously wanting to meet on rainy mornings, and it soon becomes a tradition between the two. While Takao is skipping his classes to design shoes, Yukino is also avoiding work due to deep personal problems. When Takao learns Yukino's identity, the two grow closer and both learn that they have been teaching each other "how to walk". Shinaki perfectly demonstrates feelings of longing and sadness, with just a glimmer of hope in this melancholic masterpiece.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Garden of Words
Motohiro Hata: Performer
Senri Oe: Performer

User reviews

Richard Harris

The haunting vocals in some tracks evoke a sense of deep emotional connection between the characters, adding a layer of complexity to the storytelling.

David Lewis

The soundtrack's delicate balance between melancholy and hope mirrors the characters' journey of healing and self-discovery, creating a powerful emotional resonance.

David Wright

The beautiful piano melodies in The Garden of Words perfectly capture the emotions of longing and melancholy portrayed in the film.

Nancy Robinson

The subtle use of ambient sounds like raindrops and footsteps enhances the atmospheric quality of the soundtrack, immersing the listener in the story's setting.

Dorothy Jones

The music in The Garden of Words not only complements the visuals but also stands on its own as a stunning piece of art, capable of evoking a wide range of emotions with its evocative compositions.

Patricia Thomas

The soundtrack of The Garden of Words is a mesmerizing blend of melancholy and hope, perfectly capturing the emotions of longing and sadness within the film.

Elizabeth Lee

The soundtrack of The Garden of Words is a masterful blend of emotion and melody, enhancing the film's themes of connection, solitude, and personal growth. The music adds depth and resonance to the story, making it a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

Amanda Evans

Each track is beautifully composed, evoking a sense of tranquility and introspection that resonates long after the film has ended. The soundtrack truly elevates the storytelling and adds another layer of beauty to this cinematic masterpiece.

Michelle Jones

The music enhances the emotional depth of the story, creating a profound connection between the characters and the audience, making every scene more impactful and memorable.

Brian Campbell

The hauntingly beautiful compositions in The Garden of Words soundtrack stay with you long after the film ends. The music not only sets the mood for each scene but also conveys the characters' inner turmoil and the complexities of their relationship in a subtle and poignant way.

Nancy Wilson

The soundtrack of The Garden of Words perfectly captures the melancholic and contemplative atmosphere of the film. The subtle piano melodies and delicate strings evoke a sense of longing and introspection that resonates with the emotional depth of the story.

Margaret Turner

The use of music in this film is truly captivating, enhancing the visual storytelling and adding another layer of depth to the characters' emotions. The soundtrack complements the rain-soaked scenes and the characters' internal struggles, creating a poignant and immersive experience for the audience.