Reckless Disregard
In the heart of New York City, a young lawyer named Sarah is faced with a moral dilemma that could change her life forever. As she delves deeper into a high-profile case involving a powerful corporation, Sarah must decide between following her conscience or succumbing to the pressures of her cutthroat colleagues.
With her reputation and career on the line, Sarah must navigate a treacherous legal landscape where loyalty and integrity are often sacrificed for success. As she uncovers dark secrets and corruption within the company, Sarah must confront her own reckless disregard for the truth.
Will Sarah choose to stand up for what is right, even if it means risking everything she has worked for? Or will she allow herself to be consumed by the ruthless world of corporate law, where justice is often overshadowed by greed and power?
Reckless Disregard is a gripping legal thriller that explores the consequences of moral compromise in a world where the line between right and wrong is blurred.