The Scarehouse Soundtrack (

The Scarehouse Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 2400 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

The Scarehouse

Title in Italiano:

Sorority Scare Game

Title in Português:

Sorority Scare Game

Title in Français:

Sorority Scare Game

Title in Türk:

Sorority Scare Game

Title in Deutsch:

Sorority Scare Game


The Scarehouse is a horror film that follows two friends, Corey and Elaina, who decide to get revenge on their former sorority sisters by creating a haunted house attraction. The two friends lure their former friends to the haunted house under false pretenses, only to subject them to a series of terrifying and sadistic games.

As the night progresses, the line between what is real and what is part of the attraction becomes blurred, leading to a shocking and bloody climax. The film explores themes of betrayal, revenge, and the consequences of one's actions.

The Scarehouse is a chilling and suspenseful thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Scarehouse
Shot In The Dark
Emma-Lee: Performer

User reviews

Charles Walker

The soundtrack effectively complements the themes of betrayal, revenge, and consequences explored in the film, adding another layer of emotional depth to the story.

Dorothy Hall

The soundtrack of The Scarehouse perfectly captures the suspenseful and chilling atmosphere of the film. Each track enhances the tension and keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Amanda Johnson

The combination of eerie soundscapes and haunting melodies creates a truly immersive experience, drawing the audience into the twisted world of the haunted house attraction.

Carol Thomas

The use of music to blur the line between reality and the attraction is masterfully done, intensifying the shocking and bloody climax of the film.

Dorothy Williams

Overall, the soundtrack of The Scarehouse is a standout element that elevates the horror film to another level, making it a memorable and impactful viewing experience.

Thomas Baker

The soundtrack of The Scarehouse perfectly captures the eerie and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. The haunting melodies and chilling tones create a sense of unease that enhances the overall viewing experience.

Ashley Evans

Overall, the soundtrack of The Scarehouse is a standout element of the film that elevates the horror genre. The carefully curated selection of music enhances the narrative, immersing viewers in the twisted world of revenge and betrayal created by Corey and Elaina.

Charles Turner

The use of music in The Scarehouse helps build a sense of foreboding and impending danger, adding an extra layer of intensity to the horror experience. The soundscapes effectively immerse the audience in the chilling world of the haunted house attraction.

Donna Perez

The soundtrack of The Scarehouse skillfully captures the psychological turmoil and emotional turmoil of the characters, enhancing the depth and complexity of the storyline. The music reflects the characters' inner struggles and adds a haunting quality to their journey of revenge.

Karen Martinez

The use of generic horror clichés in the soundtrack of The Scarehouse was disappointing. The predictable and overused musical cues took away from the overall impact of the film, making it feel formulaic and unengaging.

Robert Davis

The music builds a sense of unease and foreboding, adding depth to the storyline and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Amanda Clark

The soundtrack of The Scarehouse effectively creates an eerie and unsettling atmosphere that perfectly complements the dark and twisted storyline. The haunting melodies and ominous tones enhance the suspense and tension throughout the film.

Edward Thomas

The use of music in The Scarehouse effectively builds tension and enhances key moments of the plot. The dynamic range of the soundtrack, from subtle and understated to intense and dramatic, adds depth and emotion to the story.

Betty Hernandez

Overall, the soundtrack of The Scarehouse contributes significantly to the overall atmosphere and mood of the film, elevating the horror experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience. The music enhances the storytelling and adds an extra layer of depth to the chilling narrative, making it a memorable and immersive viewing experience.

Nancy Perez

I found the soundtrack of The Scarehouse to be uninspired and lacking in originality. The music did not effectively enhance the tension or atmosphere of the film, leaving me feeling disconnected from the on-screen events.

Ronald Thomas

The music in The Scarehouse effectively punctuates key moments of horror and suspense, heightening the impact of the scares and surprises throughout the film. The soundtrack plays a crucial role in building tension and creating a sense of unease that keeps viewers engaged and on edge.