The Secret Garden Soundtrack (

The Secret Garden Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 7.70/10 from 263 votes
Tags: secret garden
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

O Jardim Secreto

Title in Italiano:

O Jardim Secreto

Title in Português:

O Jardim Secreto


The Secret Garden


The Secret Garden is a classic novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The story follows a young girl named Mary Lennox who is sent to live with her uncle in a mysterious manor on the Yorkshire moors after her parents die. Mary discovers a hidden garden on the estate that has been locked up and neglected for years. With the help of her new friends Dickon and Colin, Mary works to restore the garden to its former glory. As the garden blooms, so do the lives of the children, who find healing and happiness in the magic of the secret garden.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
The Secret Garden
Os Sonhos de Deus
Ludmila Ferber: Artist
Conheço um Coração - Ao Vivo
Cura, Senhor - Ao Vivo
Tua Presença Cura
Gabriela de Sá: Artist
Poder de Restauração
Sou Todo Teu
Defendei-Nos São Miguel
Mãe de Pentecostes
Mãe, Me Defende do Mal
Sou um Milagre
Eliana Ribeiro: Artist
Eu Te Levantarei
Frei Gilson: Artist
Via Sacra
Eis-Me Aqui - Ao Vivo
Colo de Deus: Artist
Inexplicável Amor - Ao Vivo
Basta Querer - Ao Vivo
Deus é capaz
Deus Cuida de Mim
Diante do Rei
Vida Reluz: Artist
Tú És o Centro
Frei Gilson: Artist

User reviews

Kimberly Miller

The melodies in The Secret Garden are hauntingly beautiful, staying with me long after the movie ended and creating a sense of nostalgia that makes me want to revisit the story again and again.

Joshua Anderson

The soundtrack of The Secret Garden effectively conveys the emotions of the characters, from Mary's initial loneliness to the blossoming friendship between her, Dickon, and Colin. The music enhances the storytelling and adds depth to the characters' development.

Amanda Smith

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of The Secret Garden as it failed to enhance the storytelling and bring the characters and their journey to life effectively.

Patricia Williams

The soundtrack of The Secret Garden has a timeless quality that resonates with audiences of all ages. The melodies are both nostalgic and fresh, making it easy to become immersed in the story and connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Sarah Davis

The orchestration in The Secret Garden is simply breathtaking, with lush arrangements that evoke the beauty of the natural world and the power of friendship. The music perfectly complements the visuals and dialogue, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Richard Garcia

Overall, The Secret Garden's music not only enhances the narrative of the film but also stands on its own as a moving and evocative musical experience that I would recommend to anyone looking for a soundtrack that is as enchanting as the story itself.

Joshua Lewis

I found the musical score of The Secret Garden to be quite underwhelming. It lacked depth and emotion, failing to capture the enchanting and magical essence of the story.

Steven Martin

The soundtrack of The Secret Garden skillfully blends traditional Celtic influences with a modern cinematic flair, creating a unique and captivating musical tapestry that enhances the timeless charm of the story.

David Thompson

I appreciate how the music in The Secret Garden evolves along with the garden itself, reflecting the growth and transformation of the characters. The melodies are both soothing and uplifting, creating a sense of hope and renewal throughout the story.

Thomas Thomas

The Secret Garden's soundtrack beautifully captures the enchanting and mysterious atmosphere of the story, transporting me to the magical world of Mary Lennox and her hidden garden.

Stephanie Lee

I was impressed by the depth and richness of the orchestral arrangements in The Secret Garden's soundtrack, each piece adding layers of emotion and depth to the storytelling, enhancing my overall viewing experience.

Kimberly Hill

Overall, the music in The Secret Garden is a vital component of the film's success, setting the tone and enhancing the emotional resonance of the story. It is a testament to the power of music in storytelling, enriching the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Karen Williams

The melodies felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking the ability to evoke any strong emotional response in me as a listener.

Melissa Johnson

The music in The Secret Garden perfectly complements the emotional journey of the characters, evoking feelings of hope, resilience, and transformation as Mary, Dickon, and Colin discover the healing power of nature and friendship.

Brian Johnson

The music in The Secret Garden beautifully captures the essence of mystery and magic that surrounds the story. Each note seems to transport me to the Yorkshire moors and the hidden garden, creating a sense of wonder and enchantment.