The Terrorism and the Kebab Soundtrack (

The Terrorism and the Kebab Soundtrack (1992) cover

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Rating: 7.70/10 from 3300 votes
Tags: gas cylinder
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Al-irhab wal kabab

Title in Italiano:

Terrorismo e kebab

Title in Português:

Al-irhab wal kabab

Title in Français:

Terreur et kebab

Title in Türk:

Terreur et kebab


A man named Ahmed tries unsuccessfully for days to go the the government building to complete the necessary paperwork to transfer his children to another school. Repeatedly he is unable to see the employee he needs to meet with. He is told the employee is on vacation on one occasion. Another time he is told the employe is in the toilet. A shoe shine man he meets in the hall tells him this particular employee likes to go to the toilet in fancier places so Ahmed, in humorous scenes, leaves the government building to go find this employee.

He has to return to the government building to try to find this man again so often his boss becomes unhappy with him. One day he causes a disturbance in the office and building guards are called to deal with him. In a scuffle that follows Ahmed obtains the weapons of the guards and accidentally takes hostages in the government building. All the other floors of the building evacuate, the army and Minister of the Interior are called; the government treats Ahmed as a terrorist.

Ahmed and the hostages demand kebab from the government for lunch. Ahmed has really no official demands, but justice. He wants to be treated as a human. After explaining this to the hostages, the hostages decide to like Ahmed. He helps some of them get things they need; he tells the police he demands medication for one of the hostages. In the end, they all walked out of the building together so the government did not know who was the terrorist. No one dies in this film.

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The Terrorism and the Kebab

User reviews

Timothy Moore

The soundtrack's ability to shift seamlessly between lighthearted moments and intense confrontations mirrors the film's blend of dark humor and social commentary.

Joseph Walker

The music enhances the character development of Ahmed, creating a sense of empathy and understanding for his motivations throughout the film.

Stephanie Mitchell

The soundtrack of The Terrorism and the Kebab effectively captures the escalating tension and absurdity of the film's plot, enhancing the comedic and dramatic elements.

Kimberly Moore

I found the musical score to be a fitting accompaniment to the protagonist's struggles and eventual standoff with the government, adding depth to the character development.

Richard Johnson

The music during the hostage negotiation scenes effectively conveys the emotional complexity of the situation, highlighting the internal conflicts faced by both Ahmed and the hostages.

Linda Campbell

The choice of musical motifs and melodies in the soundtrack reinforces the film's message of unity and solidarity, particularly in the moments when Ahmed connects with the hostages on a personal level.

Edward Jones

The score's incorporation of suspenseful motifs and rhythmic beats kept me engaged throughout the film, heightening the sense of anticipation and unpredictability.

Ronald King

The use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural dimension to the story, immersing the audience in the setting of the film.

Jennifer Smith

The soundtrack's dynamic range and tonal variations complemented the diverse range of emotions portrayed by the characters, adding layers of complexity to their interactions.

Edward Hall

I appreciated how the music underscored Ahmed's quest for justice and recognition, emphasizing his humanity amidst the chaos of the government building.

Deborah Baker

Overall, the musical composition of The Terrorism and the Kebab contributed significantly to the film's narrative impact, enhancing the viewer's overall experience and understanding of the story.

Mark Roberts

The soundtrack does an excellent job of building suspense during pivotal scenes, keeping the audience engaged and on the edge of their seats.

Joseph Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of The Terrorism and the Kebab elevates the viewing experience, adding layers of emotion and depth to the already compelling narrative, making it a memorable and impactful aspect of the film.

Mark Campbell

The repetitive use of a lighthearted and comedic musical score throughout the film made it difficult for me to fully immerse myself in the story. I believe a more somber and intense soundtrack would have helped to enhance the tension and drama of the hostage situation unfolding on screen.

Joseph Martinez

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the themes of justice and humanity portrayed in the film, highlighting the complexities of the characters' moral dilemmas.

Carol Wright

I found the soundtrack of The Terrorism and the Kebab to be completely out of touch with the tone of the film. The music felt overly upbeat and whimsical, which clashed with the serious themes of bureaucracy, government negligence, and hostage situations portrayed in the movie.

Charles Mitchell

The use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the setting and helps immerse the audience in the film's unique atmosphere.

Donald Thompson

The soundtrack of The Terrorism and the Kebab perfectly captures the tension and humor of the film's storyline, blending intense moments with comedic relief seamlessly.

Linda Baker

The lack of variation in the musical themes and motifs used in the soundtrack made it feel monotonous and uninspired. I expected the music to reflect the emotional complexity of the characters and the gravity of the situation they were facing, but instead, it felt like a generic and forgettable background noise.