Those Who Can't is a comedy series that follows three inept high school teachers who are more immature than their students. The trio of teachers, Andy, Billy, and Loren, are unable to grow up and act like responsible adults, leading to a series of hilarious misadventures in and out of the classroom.
As they navigate the challenges of teaching, the teachers often find themselves in absurd situations that highlight their incompetence and lack of maturity. From failed attempts at discipline to disastrous attempts at romance, Andy, Billy, and Loren struggle to keep their personal lives in order while also trying to educate the next generation.
Those Who Can't is a satirical take on the education system and the adults who are supposed to be guiding young minds. With a mix of slapstick humor and witty dialogue, the series offers a fresh perspective on the struggles of adulthood and the absurdity of trying to teach when you can't even take care of yourself.