Set in rural Ohio, the birthplace of football, a small-town high school football team rises from obscurity to play their cross-town rival, a perennial powerhouse, while standing up for an entire community. Bobby Burkett is the promising quarterback for the Knights, but his Division Four school has never made a playoff appearance until Coach Vince DeAntonio's arrival. Their gruff new coach recruits a talented but insecure receiver and gives a juvenile delinquent offensive lineman a second chance. When Bobby falls for rival cheerleader Renee Donohue, a battle for more than a championship begins with the Viking's "golden boy" quarterback John Hanford III. Meanwhile, Bobby's father is being sued by his former employer and town patriarch John Hanford II over the intellectual rights to a revolutionary new energy saving product. With their home at stake, things look grim for the Burketts (until rumors of Hanford Corp's move to Mexico surface). Now with hundreds of manufacturing jobs at stake and their honor to defend, the Knights represent the entire community as they face the Vikings in a "Game Of Champions" that becomes bigger than the state finals.
Play | Title | Artist |
This Town
Joe Purdy:
Keaton Simons:
Invention No. 1
Aric Floyd:
Good News
Aric Floyd:
Coming Back Around
Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)
Patrick Stump:
Things Are Looking Up
Ain't Gonna Lose You
Brett Dennen: