"Upp till kamp" is a Swedish drama series that follows the story of the Eng family during the 1930s. The Eng family is a working-class family living in Stockholm, struggling to make ends meet during the Great Depression. The series revolves around the family's involvement in the Swedish labor movement and their fight for better working conditions and social justice.
The protagonist of the series is the young and idealistic Rolf Eng, who becomes a key figure in the labor movement and a leader in the fight against fascism. As Rolf becomes more involved in the movement, he faces challenges and conflicts both within his family and in society at large.
"Upp till kamp" explores themes of class struggle, political activism, and family dynamics against the backdrop of a turbulent period in Swedish history. The series is a gripping portrayal of the struggles and triumphs of the working class during a time of great social upheaval.