Where Do We Go from Here? Soundtrack (

Where Do We Go from Here? Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 187 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Where Do We Go from Here?

Title in Italiano:

Where Do We Go from Here?

Title in Português:

Where Do We Go from Here?


After a devastating breakup, Sarah is left wondering where do we go from here? She thought she had her whole life planned out with her partner, but now she's left feeling lost and unsure of what the future holds.

As she navigates through the pain and heartache, Sarah begins to realize that this breakup may be a blessing in disguise. It forces her to reevaluate her goals and priorities, and to discover who she truly is without her partner by her side.

With the support of her friends and family, Sarah starts to see a glimmer of hope and begins to find her way forward. She learns to embrace the uncertainty of life and to trust that everything happens for a reason.

Through this journey of self-discovery and healing, Sarah ultimately finds peace and happiness within herself. She learns that sometimes the hardest endings lead to the most beautiful beginnings.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Where Do We Go from Here?
Something Good
Your Eyes
Just Might Be In Love
75th Birthday Boogie
The Lie
Anne (Getting out of here)
What I Have To Do
Lightning Strikes
Young Blood

User reviews

Donna Williams

The soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? fails to capture the emotional depth and complexity of Sarah's journey through heartbreak and self-discovery. The music feels generic and uninspired, lacking the power to truly resonate with the audience.

Ronald Turner

The powerful vocals and heartfelt performances in the songs convey the sincerity and authenticity of Sarah's emotions, making her story feel relatable and compelling.

Thomas Johnson

The way the soundtrack evolves along with Sarah's emotional growth is truly remarkable. From melancholic melodies to uplifting tunes, each track reflects a different stage of Sarah's healing process, allowing listeners to empathize with her struggles and triumphs on a profound level.

Daniel Turner

The well-crafted compositions and arrangements in the soundtrack enhance the storytelling, effectively conveying the complexities of Sarah's personal growth and transformation.

Charles Hill

The music in Where Do We Go from Here? effectively conveys the message of self-discovery and growth, mirroring Sarah's journey as she learns to redefine herself and find her own path. The uplifting tunes and empowering lyrics inspire a sense of hope and resilience, encouraging listeners to face their own challenges with courage and determination.

Steven Turner

The uplifting and empowering tracks in the soundtrack inspire a sense of resilience and hope, encouraging listeners to believe in the possibility of new beginnings and self-discovery.

Daniel Taylor

The soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? skillfully transitions from moments of despair to moments of hope, reflecting the emotional rollercoaster that Sarah goes through in her quest for healing and happiness. The dynamic range of the music perfectly mirrors the ups and downs of Sarah's journey, creating a deeply immersive and engaging listening experience.

Daniel Williams

The soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? perfectly captures the emotional rollercoaster of Sarah's journey post-breakup. The music skillfully conveys the feelings of heartache, confusion, and eventual hope, making the listening experience deeply engaging and moving.

Brian Martin

The songs in the soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? seem mismatched with the themes and messages of the film. Instead of enhancing the storytelling and emotional impact, the music often feels disconnected and out of place, detracting from the overall viewing experience.

Jennifer Rodriguez

The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics resonate with the audience, evoking a sense of empathy and understanding towards Sarah's struggles.

Deborah Young

The diverse range of musical styles and moods in the soundtrack mirrors the ups and downs of Sarah's emotional rollercoaster, creating a rich and immersive listening experience.

Michael Smith

The emotional depth and raw vulnerability of the soundtrack perfectly capture the inner turmoil and introspection of Sarah's journey post-breakup.

Kimberly White

The soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? perfectly captures the raw emotions of heartbreak and uncertainty that Sarah experiences after her breakup. The melancholic melodies and haunting lyrics truly resonate with the listener, making them feel Sarah's pain and confusion.

Ashley Mitchell

The instrumentation and arrangements in the soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? feel repetitive and predictable, failing to evoke the raw emotions and vulnerability that are central to Sarah's story. The lack of originality in the musical choices detracts from the authenticity of the film's narrative, making it difficult for the audience to fully engage with the characters and their struggles.

Donald King

The cathartic and cathartic journey portrayed through the music leaves a lasting impact, reminding us of the healing power of music and the strength we can find within ourselves during challenging times.

Dorothy Gonzalez

Overall, the soundtrack of Where Do We Go from Here? is a poignant and evocative musical journey that beautifully complements Sarah's story of love, loss, and self-discovery. The emotive melodies and heartfelt lyrics make it a truly memorable and impactful listening experience that resonates with anyone who has ever faced a major life transition.