The story begins in Fukuoka with Daigo Dojima having met with Tadashi Madarame, the patriarch of the local clan. Daigo then leaves to meet discreetly with Kazuma Kiryu who now lives under the alias of Taichi Suzuki as a cab driver. He goes home for the night and has a chat with Mayumi, a hostess that he's befriended. After work the next day he is met by Yuu Morinaga and Masato Aizawa, members of the Tojo Clan who were running security for Daigo during his visit to Fukuoka. They inform Kiryu that Daigo has gone missing and that the last person he had contact with was Kiryu. Aizawa and Morinaga show up at Kiryu's house the following day, having gotten into a brawl with Yamagasa men. They learn Aoyama has taken up being the interim chairman which alarms them.