Colisão Banda sonora (

Colisão Banda sonora (2004) cobrir

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Avaliação: 7.80/10 do 450000 votos
Etiquetas: racista, racismo, relações raciais, estereótipo, Problema social
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

Crash (Colisión)

Título em Italiano:

Crash: Contatto fisico

Título em English:



Ao longo de um período de trinta e seis horas em Los Angeles, as vidas de algumas pessoas díspares se entrelaçam enquanto lidam com as tensas relações raciais que subvertem a vida na cidade. Entre os envolvidos estão: o procurador distrital caucasiano, que usa a raça como um trunfo político; sua esposa caucasiana, que, tendo sido recentemente vítima de um sequestro de carro por dois homens negros, acredita que suas visões estereotipadas sobre não brancos são justificadas e não podem ser consideradas racismo; os dois sequestradores de carros negros que usam sua raça tanto a seu favor quanto como desculpa; policiais brancos parceiros, um racista que usa sua autoridade para assediar não brancos, e o outro que odeia seu parceiro por causa dessas visões racistas, mas que pode ter os mesmos valores subjacentes em seu subconsciente; um diretor de cinema negro e sua esposa negra, que acredita que seu marido não apoia o suficiente sua origem negra, especialmente à luz de um incidente com o policial branco racista; detetives de polícia parceiros e às vezes amantes, uma mulher hispânica e um homem negro, este último lidando com uma mãe drogada que sente que ele não está preocupado o suficiente em cuidar da família; um homem asiático oriental que é atropelado mas que está escondendo uma carga valiosa na parte de trás de sua van; um proprietário de loja persa, que sente que não está obtendo satisfação da sociedade americana quando sua loja é roubada repetidamente; e um chaveiro hispânico, que só quer manter sua família, especialmente sua jovem filha, segura em um mundo aparentemente inseguro.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
City of Angel
Sungsoo Kim: Performer
Sungsoo Kim: Writer
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
Jon Kull: Arranjo tradicional
In the Deep
Kathleen York: Performer
Kathleen York: Writer
Maybe Tomorrow
Kelly Jones: Writer
Stereophonics: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Writer
Swinging Doors
Merle Haggard: Writer
Whiskey Town
Moot Davis: Performer
Moot Davis: Writer
El llamar de pasion
Shani Rigsbee: Writer
Shani Rigsbee: Performer
Gonna Buy Me a Rope
Paul Haggis: Performer
Jingle Bells
James Pierpont: Performer
Ronald A. Mendelsohn: Arranjo
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Ronald A. Mendelsohn: Arranjo tradicional
Crash Now
Mark Isham: Performer
Spray Paint
Mark Isham: Performer
A Private Roadmap to Death
Mark Isham: Performer
You Can't F*** the Doctor
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
On the Soul of My Child
Mark Isham: Performer
Two Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Mark Isham: Performer
K-Town Showdown
Mark Isham: Performer
The Other Woman
Mark Isham: Performer
Panic Takes the Wheel
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
Go Forth My Son
Mark Isham: Performer
Hands In Plain Sight
Mark Isham: Performer
Safe Now
Mark Isham: Performer
No Such Thing As Monsters
Mark Isham: Performer
Find My Baby
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
Mark Isham: Performer
A Really Good Cloak
Mark Isham: Performer
A Harsh Warning
Mark Isham: Performer
Saint Christopher
Mark Isham: Performer
Sense of Touch
Mark Isham: Performer
"In The Deep" - Bird York
Mark Isham: Performer
"Maybe Tomorrow" - Stereophonics
Mark Isham: Performer
Kill Bill - Twisted Nerve Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Kill Bill - Battle Without Honour or Humanity
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Bourne Supremacy - To The Roof
Tyler Bates: Performer
Dirty Harry - Harry's Creed
Tyler Bates: Performer
Bullitt - Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Departed - Cops or Criminals
Tyler Bates: Performer
Chinatown - Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Requiem For A Dream - Winter - Lux Aeterna
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Fountain - The Last Man
Tyler Bates: Performer
American Beauty - Plastic Bag Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
Crash - Sense Of Touch
Tyler Bates: Performer
Road To Perdition - Road To Perdition
Tyler Bates: Performer
Brokeback Mountain - The Wings
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Last Emperor Main Theme
Tyler Bates: Performer
The Hours - The Poet Acts
Tyler Bates: Performer
True Romance - You're So Cool
Tyler Bates: Performer
Solaris - Dont Blow It
Tyler Bates: Performer
300 - Fever Dream
Tyler Bates: Performer
SIDE A: Crash
Howard Shore: Performer
Howard Shore: Performer
Mechanism Of Occupant Ejection
Howard Shore: Performer
Mirror Image
Howard Shore: Performer
Where's The Car?
Howard Shore: Performer
Sexual Logic
Howard Shore: Performer
Road Research Laboratory
Howard Shore: Performer
Mansfield Crash
Howard Shore: Performer
SIDE B: Chromium Bower
Howard Shore: Performer
A Benevolent Psychopathology
Howard Shore: Performer
Two Semi-Metallic Human Beings
Howard Shore: Performer
Howard Shore: Performer
Accident... Accident...
Howard Shore: Performer
A Crushed Convertible
Howard Shore: Performer
Prophecy Is Dirty And Rugged
Howard Shore: Performer
Disc Time:
Howard Shore: Performer
SIDE C: First Crash
Howard Shore: Performer
Howard Shore: Performer
James Dean Crash
Howard Shore: Performer
Dented Fender
Howard Shore: Performer
Howard Shore: Performer
Howard Shore: Performer
Crash (Piano Demo)
Howard Shore: Performer
Chromium Bower
Howard Shore: Performer
Accident? Accident?
Howard Shore: Performer
Prophecy Is Dirty and Ragged
Howard Shore: Performer
First Crash
Howard Shore: Performer
Accident, Accident
Howard Shore: Performer
Suite (From "Psycho") (Bernard Herrmann)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
For the Last Time We'll Pay (From "Carrie") (Pino Donaggio)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Rally - Meet Your Local Candidate (From "The Dead Zone") (Michael Kamen)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Theme (From Wes Craven's "New Nightmare") (J. Peter Robinson)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Main Title (From "Escape from New York") (John Carpenter and Alan Howarth)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Drill of Death (From "Body Double") (Pino Donaggio)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Mirror Image (From "Crash") (Howard Shore)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
New Mexico (From John Carpenter's "Vampires") (John Carpenter)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Altered Ego (From "Scream") (Marco Beltrami)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Main Title (From "Halloween") (John Carpenter)
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Psycho - "Suite From Psycho"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Carrie - "For The Last Time We'll Pay"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Dead Zone - "Rally - Meet Your Local Candidate"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Wes Craven's New Nightmare - "Theme"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Escape From New York - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Body Double - "Drill Of Death"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Crash - "Mirror Image"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
John Carpenter's Vampires - "New Mexico"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Scream - "Altered Ego"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Halloween - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The 400 Blows - Main Theme & Police Car (Jean Constantin)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
La Dolce Vita
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
A Man And A Woman (Francis Lai & Nicole Croisille)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Blow Up - Main Theme (Herbie Hancock)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Taxi Driver - A Nice Piece For Orchestra (Elmer Bernstein)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Yol - The Island (Main Title) (Sebastian Argol)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
When Father Was Away On Business - Odlazak Mase (Zoran Simjanovic)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Wings Of Desire - The Cathedral Of Books (Jurgen Knieper)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Vuelvo al Sur (Roberto Goyeneche & Astor Piazzolla)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
A World Apart - End Title (Hans Zimmer)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Chaucer Street (Album Version) (John Lurie)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Barton Fink (Typing Montage) (Carter Burwell)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
The Scent Of Green Papaya (Ton-That Thiet)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Crash (Crash) (Howard Shore)
Elmer Bernstein: Performer
Burnout Theme (Tate Remix)
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Crash City
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Road Tripper
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Traffic Attack
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Detonate Me
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Piled Up
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Crush Hour
Vanesa Lorena Tate: Performer
Main Title
Richard Band: Performer
Tyson Arrives At The Station
Richard Band: Performer
Is There A Synthoid Among Us?
Richard Band: Performer
Remembering The Robot Wars
Richard Band: Performer
Latham Is Killed
Richard Band: Performer
Tyson And Erin In The Underground
Richard Band: Performer
Erin Finds The Cannisters
Richard Band: Performer
Quinn Is The Synthoid
Richard Band: Performer
Quinn Attacks The Remaining Few; DV-8 Robot Re-Activated
Richard Band: Performer
Tyson And Erin Leave Together; Finale And End Titles
Richard Band: Performer
Thème d'Aglaé 2 (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Petite Aglaé (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Les tocs d'Aglaé (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Liette larguée (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Sous la yourte (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Voyage voyage Aglaé (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Crash Test (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Les parachutes (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Mariage trésor (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Seule en montagne (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Les parachutes Love (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Visa embourbée (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Aslanov Go (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Aglaé sous terre (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Thème d'Aglaé 3 (Jean-Michel Pigeon)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Dhamake Vaali (Hit+Run)
Philippe Deshaies: Performer
Razan's Honor Roll (Main Theme)
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Razan Jayba El Eid (Razan the Troublemaker)
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Muna's Sisterhood Promise
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Past Tensions
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Hard to Get, Easy to Lose
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
The Windmills of Sufyan's Mind
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Abaya or No Abaya
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
A Box of Memories
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Torn to Pieces
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Detective Hassan Poirot
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Mother & Daughter
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Brokenhearted Fatherhood
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Welcome to Jeddah
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
You're on Your Own, Lamar
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Meen Samir? (Samir Who?)
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Wedding Frenzy
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
A Magnitude of Gratitude
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
An Ocean of Emotions
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Tea for Three
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Sufyan's Son-Shine
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
Suad Bushnaq: Performer
MoviePass, MovieCrash
Max Aruj: Performer
Magic of the Movies
Max Aruj: Performer
Origins of Cinema
Max Aruj: Performer
Crunching the Numbers
Max Aruj: Performer
Geared for Success
Max Aruj: Performer
Panic Mode
Max Aruj: Performer
Stacy's Theme
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
Market Disruption
Max Aruj: Performer
Removed from the Board
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
Growing Pains
Max Aruj: Performer
Intriguing Possibilities
Max Aruj: Performer
Cash Hemorrhage
Max Aruj: Performer
The Full Story
Max Aruj: Performer
Not All Roles Get to Party
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
Furniture Salesman
Max Aruj: Performer
Import Export
Max Aruj: Performer
Selling Data
Max Aruj: Performer
Max Aruj: Performer
...or Fraud?
Max Aruj: Performer
You Make Me Proud
Max Aruj: Performer
From the Ashes
Max Aruj: Performer
Se crasher pour exister
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Gagne la course
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Toujours plus intense
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Ma première course
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Où est le pilote ?
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Laissez-moi conduire
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Entre deux courses
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
En manque de crash
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Tu conduiras mon fils
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Remonte sur la piste
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
La fermeture du circuit
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Générique de fin
Clemence Ducreux: Performer
Starcrash Main Title
John Barry: Performer
Escape Into Hyperspace
John Barry: Performer
John Barry: Performer
Launch Adrift
John Barry: Performer
Beach Landing
John Barry: Performer
The Ice Planet / Heading For Zarkon
John Barry: Performer
The Emperor's Speech
John Barry: Performer
Strange Planet / The Troggs Attack
John Barry: Performer
Akton Battles The Robots
John Barry: Performer
Network Ball Attack
John Barry: Performer
Space War
John Barry: Performer
Goodbye Akton
John Barry: Performer
Starcrash End Title
John Barry: Performer
Starcrash Suite
John Barry: Performer
John Barry: Performer
The Door Opens
John Barry: Performer
Zero Gravity
John Barry: Performer
Six Robots
John Barry: Performer
Durant Is Dead
John Barry: Performer
Start The Countdown
John Barry: Performer
John Barry: Performer
Into The Hole
John Barry: Performer
End Title
John Barry: Performer
The Black Hole Suite
John Barry: Performer
Lullaby Of Duckland
John Barry: Performer
Journey To Earth
John Barry: Performer
You're The Duckiest
John Barry: Performer
Ultralight Flight
John Barry: Performer
Beddy-Bye For Howard
John Barry: Performer
Dark Overlord
John Barry: Performer
Star Crash
John Barry: Performer
You Only Live Twice
John Barry: Performer
John Barry: Performer
System Crasher
John Gurtler: Performer
Lost in the Woods
John Gurtler: Performer
Run Free
John Gurtler: Performer
Losing It
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
Go!, Pt. 1
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
On the Loose
John Gurtler: Performer
Micha's Sound
John Gurtler: Performer
Why Can't You Be My Daddy?
John Gurtler: Performer
Like Before
John Gurtler: Performer
Fight or Flight
John Gurtler: Performer
Go!, Pt. 2
John Gurtler: Performer
Don't Wanna Fight You
John Gurtler: Performer
One, Two, Three (Demo)
John Gurtler: Performer
The Crash of Flight 191
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
May 25th 1979
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Runway Taxi
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
The Site
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Wrongful Death
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Devastated Families
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Pressure Mounts
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
24 Hours Later
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Tombstone Mentality
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Damage Is Done
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Desperate Investigation
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Three Days Pass
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
The Cost Of The Crash
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
The First Lawsuit
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Focus Shifts
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Legal Showdown
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Report Surfaces
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Revelation At Tusla
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Taking Steps
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Searching For Proof
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Maintenance Error
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Ground The DC-10
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Families React
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Safeguards Not Enough
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Backup System Lost
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Emergency Procedures
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
The Plane Stalls
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Seven Months After
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Dead At The Wheel
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Settlement Estimate
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
The Effect
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
No Closure
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Kaveh Cohen: Performer
Difficult Lesson
Kaveh Cohen: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Maria Pereira

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na banda sonora de Colisão enriquece a experiência auditiva do espectador, proporcionando momentos de reflexão e emoção.

Marta Marques

A banda sonora de Colisão consegue captar a complexidade das situações e dos personagens de forma magistral, complementando perfeitamente a narrativa do filme.

Luís Almeida

A banda sonora de Colisão é simplesmente cativante, conseguindo transmitir toda a complexidade e profundidade das relações raciais abordadas no filme.

Marta Correia

A diversidade de estilos musicais presentes na trilha sonora reflete a diversidade dos personagens e das situações abordadas, enriquecendo a narrativa de forma brilhante.

Luisa Gomes

As músicas escolhidas criam uma atmosfera envolvente que nos transporta para as diferentes realidades vividas pelos personagens, tornando a experiência cinematográfica ainda mais impactante.

Manuel Figueiredo

Cada faixa da banda sonora de Colisão é cuidadosamente selecionada para complementar as complexas relações raciais e os conflitos dos personagens. A variedade de estilos musicais, desde o hip hop até o jazz, enriquece a experiência auditiva do espectador, elevando a narrativa a um nível ainda mais profundo e impactante.

Joaquim Marques

A trilha sonora de Colisão é um elemento fundamental para o sucesso do filme, elevando a experiência cinematográfica a um nível superior e emocionalmente impactante.

José Manuel Fernandes

A banda sonora de Colisão consegue ser ao mesmo tempo arrebatadora e sensível, capturando a essência das complexidades humanas abordadas no filme de maneira primorosa.

Laura Ferreira

As músicas escolhidas para o filme conseguem transmitir a tensão e a intensidade das relações raciais abordadas na história, criando uma atmosfera envolvente.

Rita Santos

A banda sonora de Colisão consegue transmitir a mensagem central do filme de forma poderosa, sem precisar recorrer a diálogos explicativos.

Silvia Castro

A combinação entre as letras das músicas e as cenas do filme cria um contraste interessante que enriquece a narrativa e aprofunda o entendimento dos personagens.

Francisco Ferreira

Em suma, a trilha sonora de Colisão é um elemento fundamental para potencializar a experiência cinematográfica, elevando a narrativa a um nível ainda mais profundo e envolvente.

Rafael Pinto

As músicas escolhidas para o filme possuem uma qualidade excepcional e contribuem significativamente para a construção da atmosfera do longa-metragem.

Susana Baptista

A forma como a banda sonora acompanha as reviravoltas e os momentos de tensão do enredo é simplesmente magistral, mantendo o espectador completamente imerso na trama.

Laura Antunes

A escolha das músicas para cada cena é precisa e impactante, criando momentos memoráveis que permanecem na memória do espectador.

Rafael Pinheiro

A qualidade da produção musical é excepcional, evidenciando o cuidado e a atenção dedicados à seleção de cada faixa para complementar e enriquecer a narrativa de forma coesa.

Joaquim Leite

A escolha das músicas certas nos momentos certos contribui para intensificar as emoções dos personagens, fazendo com que o público se sinta ainda mais próximo de suas jornadas pessoais.

Pedro Barbosa

Cada faixa musical parece estar perfeitamente alinhada com as emoções e conflitos apresentados em cena, criando uma conexão profunda entre a música e a história.

Filipe Antunes

A trilha sonora consegue se adaptar perfeitamente aos diferentes cenários e contextos apresentados no filme, contribuindo para a imersão do público na trama.

João Gonçalves

A banda sonora de Colisão consegue estabelecer uma conexão emocional com o público, fazendo com que os espectadores se envolvam ainda mais com a história.

Joaquim Figueiredo

A banda sonora de Colisão é simplesmente incrível. A forma como as músicas são escolhidas e incorporadas nas cenas intensifica a emoção e a tensão do enredo, criando uma atmosfera envolvente que me fez sentir parte da história.