2012 Soundtrack (

2012 Soundtrack (2009) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 399000 votes
Tags: end of the world, elizabeth i character, juvenile bedwetting
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Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed.

Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build "arks" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Afreen Afreen
Javed Akhtar: Writer
Will the Circle Be Unbroken
It Ain't the End of the World
Time for Miracles
Fades Like a Photograph
Time for Miracles (Adam Lambert)
Harald Kloser: Performer
Harald Kloser: Performer
Harald Kloser: Performer
U.S. Army
Harald Kloser: Performer
Ready To Rumble
Harald Kloser: Performer
Spirit of Santa Monica
Harald Kloser: Performer
It Ain't The End Of The World (George Segal, Blu Mankma)
Harald Kloser: Performer
Great Kid
Harald Kloser: Performer
Finding Charlie
Harald Kloser: Performer
Run Daddy Run
Harald Kloser: Performer
Stepping Into The Darkness
Harald Kloser: Performer
Leaving Las Vegas
Harald Kloser: Performer
Ashes In D.C.
Harald Kloser: Performer
We Are Talking The Bentley
Harald Kloser: Performer
Nampan Plateau
Harald Kloser: Performer
Saving Caesar
Harald Kloser: Performer
Adrian's Speech
Harald Kloser: Performer
Open The Gates!
Harald Kloser: Performer
The Impact
Harald Kloser: Performer
Suicide Mission
Harald Kloser: Performer
2012 The End Of The World
Harald Kloser: Performer
Collision With Mount Everest
Harald Kloser: Performer
The End Is Only The Beginning
Harald Kloser: Performer
Fades Like A Photograph (Filter)
Harald Kloser: Performer
2012 Supernova
Chris Ridenhour: Performer
Princess of Mars
Chris Ridenhour: Performer
Transmorphers: Fall of Man
Chris Ridenhour: Performer
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Chris Ridenhour: Performer
The Terminators
Chris Ridenhour: Performer

User reviews

Steven Carter

The musical score in 2012 complements the visual effects and action sequences perfectly, creating a cohesive and immersive viewing experience. The grandiose soundscapes help convey the magnitude of the global disasters unfolding on screen.

Susan Hernandez

The emotional depth portrayed in the music of 2012 adds a layer of poignancy to the film's narrative, particularly during scenes of human struggle and sacrifice. The melancholic melodies resonate with the audience and evoke a sense of empathy for the characters.

Matthew Harris

The emotional depth of the soundtrack shines through in moments of human connection and sacrifice, bringing a sense of poignancy to the film's narrative. The haunting melodies and thoughtful arrangements elevate the storytelling, making the audience empathize with the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Patricia Moore

The emotional depth of the music in 2012 is truly remarkable. The haunting melodies and poignant themes evoke a sense of loss, hope, and resilience in the face of the end of the world. The soundtrack effectively enhances the emotional impact of the story, making it a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

Lisa Green

The soundtrack of 2012 effectively captures the intensity and urgency of the catastrophic events depicted in the film. The use of dramatic orchestral pieces enhances the suspense and keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Joshua Martinez

The music in 2012 often felt out of place and jarring, with sudden shifts in tone that disrupted the flow of the narrative. Instead of complementing the visuals and enhancing the storytelling, the soundtrack frequently distracted me from the movie's already shaky plot.

Ronald Johnson

Overall, the soundtrack of 2012 effectively elevates the storytelling and enhances the cinematic experience. The seamless integration of music with visuals creates a compelling audiovisual journey that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Betty Martinez

The use of intense percussion and powerful brass instruments in the soundtrack effectively conveys the chaos and destruction depicted on screen. It adds a layer of intensity to the action sequences and disaster scenes, making them even more thrilling to watch.

Andrew Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of 2012 succeeds in immersing the viewers in the high stakes and global scale of the disaster unfolding on screen. The music enhances the visual elements of the movie, amplifying the impact of each scene and creating a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

John Phillips

The soundtrack of 2012 perfectly captures the tension and urgency of the apocalyptic events unfolding in the movie. The use of epic orchestral pieces combined with intense percussion creates a sense of impending doom that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the film.

Susan Jackson

The diversity of musical styles and instruments utilized in the soundtrack of 2012 showcases the global scale of the impending apocalypse. From haunting vocals to powerful percussion, the eclectic mix of sounds enhances the film's epic scope.

Donald Hall

The soundtrack of 2012 perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the movie's apocalyptic theme. The dramatic orchestral pieces enhance the sense of urgency and impending doom throughout the film.

Emily Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of 2012 missed the mark in creating a cohesive and immersive audio experience, ultimately detracting from my overall enjoyment of the film.

Ronald Baker

The soundtrack of 2012 felt uninspired and generic, lacking any memorable melodies or emotional depth. It failed to enhance the tension and drama of the movie, leaving me disconnected from the apocalyptic scenes unfolding on screen.