Radioflash is a post-apocalyptic thriller film that follows the story of a teenage girl named Reese, who must navigate a world plunged into chaos after a mysterious electromagnetic pulse wipes out all electronics and communication systems.
As Reese and her father try to survive in this new world, they must rely on their survival skills and instincts to stay alive. With no technology to rely on, they must learn to adapt to this harsh new reality and fend off dangerous threats from other survivors.
As they journey through the desolate landscape, Reese and her father must confront their own fears and insecurities while trying to find a safe haven in this dangerous new world. Will they be able to overcome the challenges they face and find a way to rebuild their lives in the aftermath of the pulse?
Radioflash is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the enduring bond between a father and daughter in the face of unimaginable adversity.