Red Krokodil Soundtrack (

Red Krokodil Soundtrack (2012) cover

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Rating: 5.10/10 from 212 votes
Tags: narcotic, substance
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Red Krokodil

Title in Italiano:

Red Krokodil

Title in Português:

Red Krokodil

Title in Français:

Red Krokodil

Title in Türk:

Red Krokodil

Title in Deutsch:

Red Krokodil


Eating away at the soft flesh until it reaches the bone, the infamous Red Krokodil--Russia's highly impure and extremely toxic self-made synthetic drug--leads to an agonising death, before a repulsive scaly condition transforms the doomed user's epidermis into something that resembles a crocodile. Against the backdrop of ominous pre-apocalyptic signs, a slowly-decaying man who is addicted to the lethal flesh-eating drug cooks up fresh batches of the deadly concoction, trying desperately to escape from a horrible realm of despair, self-pity, and disturbing hallucinations. Is the poisonous substance the drug-addled man's only means of salvation? Will the corrosive Red Crocodile grant the man's wish?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Red Krokodil
Alexander Cimini: Performer
Red Krokodil Main Theme (feat. Sebastiano Severi)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
Alone (feat. Roberto Noferini)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
My Wounded Body
Alexander Cimini: Performer
My Little Green Crocodile (feat. Roberto Noferini)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
Endless Roads
Alexander Cimini: Performer
My Mind
Alexander Cimini: Performer
Reflection in the Water (feat. Roberto Noferini)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
Prologue (feat. Sebastiano Severi)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
W(T)Omb (feat. Sebastiano Severi)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
CD ONLY: Capucetto6 (G. Verdinelli)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
The Window (feat. Denis Zardi)
Alexander Cimini: Performer
HYDE'S SECRET NIGHTMARE: Passion and Love? (feat. Federica Bacchi)
Alexander Cimini: Performer

User reviews

Donna Jackson

The haunting vocals and distorted sounds in the music add a layer of intensity and raw emotion to the overall listening experience.

Melissa Williams

The Red Krokodil soundtrack is a masterclass in atmospheric and immersive music, drawing the listener into a world of despair and decay with its unsettling compositions.

Michael Robinson

The Red Krokodil soundtrack effectively captures the emotional turmoil and inner struggles of the protagonist through its somber and introspective compositions.

Kenneth Martin

The use of dissonant melodies and eerie soundscapes in the music creates a chilling atmosphere that perfectly complements the dark themes of the movie.

Lisa Lopez

The soundtrack's ability to convey a sense of hopelessness and futility through its haunting melodies and bleak soundscapes is truly remarkable.

Edward Mitchell

The haunting melodies and dissonant harmonies stay with you long after the movie ends, leaving a lasting impression of the film's emotional impact.

Mark Mitchell

The combination of industrial sounds and distorted melodies creates a sense of chaos and inner turmoil, mirroring the protagonist's inner struggles.

Nancy Jones

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a sense of dread and impending doom is truly impressive, drawing the listener deeper into the nightmarish world of the film.

Elizabeth Brown

The haunting and unsettling tones in the Red Krokodil soundtrack effectively convey the sense of despair and decay present in the film.

Jennifer Young

The music effectively conveys the character's descent into madness and desperation as he struggles with addiction and hallucinations.

Melissa Garcia

Overall, the soundtrack of Red Krokodil is a powerful and evocative element that elevates the film to a higher level of artistic achievement.

Paul Nelson

The unconventional instrumentation in the soundtrack adds a unique and experimental quality to the music, enhancing the overall sense of unease and discomfort.

Jennifer Jones

Overall, the Red Krokodil soundtrack is a powerful and evocative musical accompaniment to the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the listener.

Betty Carter

The use of unconventional rhythms and textures in the music helps to create a sense of disorientation and confusion, mirroring the protagonist's descent into madness.

Karen White

The soundtrack enhances the overall atmosphere of the film, immersing the audience in the dark and disturbing world of Red Krokodil.

Emily Green

The haunting and atmospheric soundtrack of Red Krokodil perfectly captures the sense of despair and impending doom within the film.

Michelle Smith

The use of eerie and unsettling soundscapes adds an extra layer of tension and unease to the viewing experience.