80 Million Soundtrack (

80 Million Soundtrack (2011) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

80 Millions

Title in Italiano:

80 Millions

Title in Português:

80 Millions

Title in Français:

80 Millions

Title in Türk:

80 Milyon

Title in Deutsch:

80 Millions


Solidarity activists prepare a bravura heist, withdrawing 80 million from a union bank account just before it is blocked by the communist authorities.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
80 Million
IX Symfonia z Nowego Swiata
Antonín Dvorák: Performer
Chcemy byc soba
Perfect: Performer
Zbigniew Holdys: Lyrics
Zbigniew Holdys: Performer
Psalm stojacych w kolejce
Wojciech Trzcinski: Performer
Ernest Bryll: Lyrics
Krystyna Pronko: Performer
Jestem kobieta
Olga Jackowska: Lyrics
Olga Jackowska: Performer
Maanam: Performer
Dorosle dzieci
Andrzej Sobczak: Lyrics
Przezyj to sam
Andrzej Sobczak: Lyrics
Jacek Kaczmarski: Lyrics
Jacek Kaczmarski: Performer