Boris Without Béatrice is a Canadian drama film directed by Denis Côté. The story follows Boris Malinovsky, a successful businessman who is suddenly struck by a mysterious illness that leaves him bedridden. His wife, Béatrice, decides to leave him, believing that his illness is a punishment for his cold and ruthless behavior.
As Boris struggles to come to terms with his illness and the abandonment of his wife, he meets a young woman named Klara who becomes his caretaker. Klara's presence brings a new perspective into Boris' life, challenging him to confront his past actions and find redemption.
The film explores themes of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery as Boris navigates his way through this difficult period in his life. With stunning cinematography and powerful performances, Boris Without Béatrice is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film that will leave audiences reflecting on the complexities of human relationships.