"Pale Moon" is a Japanese drama film directed by Daihachi Yoshida. The story follows Rika Umezawa, a bored and unfulfilled housewife who starts working as a bank teller. She soon becomes involved in an affair with one of her clients, a wealthy elderly man named Kansuke Yamashita. As their relationship deepens, Rika begins embezzling money from the bank to fund their lavish lifestyle. However, things take a dark turn when Kansuke suddenly dies, leaving Rika to deal with the consequences of her actions. The film explores themes of desire, betrayal, and the consequences of one's choices."
Play | Title | Artist |
Pale Moon
Nuvole Bianche
What If?
Underneath the Moon
Couldn't Say Goodbye
Pale Blue Eyes
Una Mattina
Introductio Ad Regnum Tarantulae