Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club is a Spanish film directed by Vicente Aranda. The story follows two sisters, Violeta and Cordelia, who work as prostitutes in a club called Lolita's Club. Their lives take a dark turn when they become involved with a dangerous client named Rober.
Rober is a wealthy businessman who becomes obsessed with Violeta, leading to a series of events that put both sisters in danger. As the sisters navigate their complicated relationships with Rober and each other, they must confront their past traumas and make difficult choices to survive.
The film explores themes of love, betrayal, and redemption, set against the backdrop of the seedy underworld of prostitution. With its intense drama and complex characters, Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club is a gripping tale of survival and sisterhood.
Play | Title | Artist |
Canciones de amor en Lolita's Club
La reina del trastero
Bachata de los celos
Tu amor es light
Bolero para Luisa