Code: Breaker is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Akimine Kamijyo. The story follows a high school student named Sakura Sakurakoji who witnesses a mysterious blue flame burning people alive. She encounters a boy named Rei Ogami who is a "Code: Breaker," a government assassin with a special ability to control flames.
Rei is on a mission to eliminate evil individuals who have committed heinous crimes. However, Sakura believes that there is more to Rei than meets the eye and sets out to uncover the truth behind his actions.
As Sakura delves deeper into the world of the Code: Breakers, she discovers the dark secrets and conspiracies surrounding the organization. She must navigate through dangerous situations and confront powerful enemies to protect those she cares about.
Code: Breaker explores themes of justice, morality, and the consequences of one's actions. The series combines action, suspense, and supernatural elements to create a thrilling and captivating story.
Play | Title | Artist |
Code: Breaker
Dark Shame