Darker Than Black is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of Contractors, individuals with supernatural abilities who are emotionless and work as assassins for various organizations. The series focuses on a Contractor named Hei, also known as the Black Reaper, who is a skilled fighter and possesses the ability to manipulate electricity.
Hei is tasked with completing dangerous missions while trying to uncover the truth behind the mysterious Hell's Gate, a supernatural phenomenon that appeared in Tokyo ten years ago. As Hei delves deeper into the secrets of the Contractors and the Syndicate, he must navigate a complex web of alliances and betrayals.
The series explores themes of morality, identity, and the consequences of using supernatural powers for personal gain. With its dark and gritty tone, Darker Than Black offers a unique take on the superhero genre, blending action, mystery, and drama to create a compelling narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.