This ensemble comedy follows the Bluecocks of Pullham University, a small liberal arts college with a Division III football program (the lowest division in the NCAA). When the head coach dies unexpectedly, the future of the troubled football program is in jeopardy as they haven't had a winning season in decades. In a desperate attempt to get media attention for the athletic program and the university, Georgia President Anne Whistler hires notorious delinquent lunatic Coach Rick Vice for what could be the final season football programs. An overly aggressive redneck racist, Vice quickly becomes the team's and athletic director's worst nightmare. Vice especially clashes with Mitch DePrima, a reluctant quarterback who was drawn to college thinking he'd play ball like a big fish in a small pond, only to find himself sitting on the bench his senior year. Navigating between a crazy coach, meaty teammates, his cheerleader roommate, and the hot new sports coach, Mitch...