Electric Blanket Soundtrack (

Electric Blanket Soundtrack (1994) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 83 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

Electric Blanket

Title in Português:

Electric Blanket

Title in Français:

Electric Blanket


The second chapter in Assi Dayan's trilogy centers on three marginal characters from "Life According to Agfa". Malka, a whore with a Romanian accent who dreams of becoming a singer, Levi, her pimp and Moshe, a homeless man who dreams that Malka will love him and follows Malka and Levi. Levi navigates the trio in a grotesque and turbulent world in which people have lost the purpose of their existence.

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Play Title Artist
Electric Blanket
Boaz Sharabi: Performer
Ehud Manor: Lyrics