Kakegurui is a Japanese manga series written by Homura Kawamoto and illustrated by Toru Naomura. The story is set in Hyakkaou Private Academy, a prestigious school where the children of wealthy and influential families are trained to become future leaders. However, the school has a dark secret - the students engage in high-stakes gambling matches to determine their social standing within the school.
The protagonist of the series is Yumeko Jabami, a transfer student who appears to be a naive and innocent girl at first glance. However, she is actually a compulsive gambler who gets a thrill from risking everything in high-stakes games. Yumeko quickly becomes a target for the student council, a group of elite students who control the school's gambling activities and enforce strict rules to maintain order.
As Yumeko navigates the treacherous world of Hyakkaou Private Academy, she forms alliances with other students and challenges the student council members in intense gambling matches. The series explores themes of power, manipulation, and the consequences of addiction, as Yumeko pushes the boundaries of the school's rigid social hierarchy through her unconventional gambling tactics.