Knight's & Magic is a Japanese light novel series written by Hisago Amazake-no and illustrated by Kurogin. The story follows a young mecha otaku named Ernesti Echevarria who dies in a car accident and is reincarnated into a fantasy world where giant robots called Silhouette Knights exist.
Ernesti uses his knowledge of mecha to become a skilled pilot and engineer, quickly rising to fame as the "Silhouette Knight Otaku." He joins the Knight Order and helps defend the kingdom against various threats, all while working to improve the technology of the Silhouette Knights.
The series explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of one's dreams, as Ernesti strives to create the ultimate Silhouette Knight and protect his new home from danger.
Play | Title | Artist |
Knight's & Magic
Hello! My World!!
You & I
Ayaka Ohashi: