Otto - Der Liebesfilm is a romantic comedy film that tells the story of Otto, a shy and awkward young man who has never been in a relationship. One day, he meets the beautiful and outgoing Mia, and instantly falls in love with her. Despite his lack of experience, Otto musters up the courage to ask Mia out on a date.
As their relationship blossoms, Otto and Mia face various challenges and obstacles that test their love for each other. From misunderstandings to jealous exes, the couple must navigate through the ups and downs of a new relationship.
Will Otto and Mia's love withstand the trials and tribulations that come their way? Watch Otto - Der Liebesfilm to find out!
Play | Title | Artist |
Otto - Der Liebesfilm
The Joker
Ya Ya
I Can't Dance
Wind of Change
La Bamba
Drunt im Tal
Der Keuschgauer Reinheitsreigen