Outlaw Star is a Japanese anime series that follows the adventures of Gene Starwind and his crew as they search for a legendary treasure known as the Galactic Leyline. Gene is a skilled outlaw who takes on various jobs to make a living in space. Along the way, he meets a mysterious woman named Hilda, who entrusts him with a special ship called the Outlaw Star.
As Gene and his crew travel through space, they encounter various obstacles and enemies who are also after the Galactic Leyline. They must navigate through dangerous situations and fight off rival outlaws in order to reach their ultimate goal. Along the way, they form alliances with other space travelers and uncover the secrets of the Galactic Leyline.
Outlaw Star is a thrilling sci-fi adventure that combines action, humor, and drama. The series explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of one's dreams in a vast and unpredictable universe.
Play | Title | Artist |
Outlaw Star
The Ecstasy Of Gold
El Bueno, El Feo Y El Malo - II Buono, II Brutto, Il Cattivo - Tema principal