Switched is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ayumu Kasuga. The story follows a high school girl named Ayumi Kohinata who is popular, smart, and athletic. However, one day she wakes up in the body of a boy named Zenko Umine.
Ayumi must navigate the challenges of living as a boy while trying to figure out how to switch back to her own body. She discovers that Zenko is not as popular or successful as she is, and she must learn to adapt to his life while keeping her true identity a secret.
As Ayumi tries to uncover the mystery behind the body switch, she also learns valuable lessons about empathy, understanding, and the importance of being true to oneself. Switched explores themes of identity, gender roles, and the complexities of teenage life in a unique and engaging way.
Play | Title | Artist |
Here is a Heart
Dance off Time
Rescue My Heart
Seein' Double
Be Brave
Re-Arrange Again