Mission Hill is an animated television series that follows the lives of a group of friends living in the Mission Hill neighborhood of a fictional city. The show centers around Andy French, a 24-year-old aspiring cartoonist who moves in with his 17-year-old brother Kevin and their eccentric roommates.
As Andy navigates the challenges of adulthood and pursuing his dreams, he must also deal with the antics of his roommates, including the lazy and sarcastic Jim, the aspiring writer Posey, and the quirky and lovable Gwen. Together, they face various obstacles and adventures as they try to make sense of their lives and relationships.
With its witty humor, relatable characters, and unique animation style, Mission Hill has gained a cult following since its debut in 1999. The show explores themes of friendship, creativity, and the struggles of young adulthood in a humorous and heartfelt way.