"Yolki 5 is a Russian comedy film that follows the lives of several characters during the New Year's holidays. The film consists of several interconnected stories that revolve around themes of love, friendship, and family. Each story presents a unique and humorous take on the challenges and joys of the holiday season.
From a mischievous schoolboy trying to make his crush notice him to a group of friends embarking on a wild adventure, Yolki 5 offers a heartwarming and entertaining look at the various ways people celebrate the New Year. As the characters' paths intersect and intertwine, they discover the power of love and connection in bringing joy and meaning to their lives."
Play | Title | Artist |
Yolki 5
Ilya Lagutenko:
Grilyazh (31 chislo)
Ilya Lagutenko:
S lyubimymi ne rasstavajtes
Ilya Lagutenko: