Donne Soundtrack (

Donne Soundtrack (2016) cover

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Rating: 5.90/10 from 9 votes
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Donne is a story about a young woman named Sophie who is struggling to find her place in the world. She is haunted by the memory of her mother, who died when she was just a child. Sophie's father, a wealthy businessman, is distant and cold, leaving her feeling isolated and alone.

As Sophie navigates her way through life, she meets a mysterious man named Donne who seems to understand her in a way no one else does. He is enigmatic and charming, drawing her into his world of secrets and lies. But as Sophie delves deeper into Donne's world, she begins to uncover dark truths about her own past and the people she thought she could trust.

Donne is a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, as Sophie must confront her demons and decide who she can truly trust. Will she be able to break free from the shadows of her past and find the strength to forge her own path, or will she be consumed by the darkness that threatens to engulf her?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Tema (Titoli di testa)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema d'amore
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema siciliano, Pt. 1
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema sensuale (Il sesso)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema leggero
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema di guerra
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Mezze calzette
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema sensuale (Il possesso)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema siciliano, Pt. 2
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema sensuale (Il sogno)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Voglia di vivere
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Meravigliosamente astratta
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema leggero (Reprise)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema sentimentale
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema ironico
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema nostalgico
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema nostalgico (Reprise)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
L'altro volto
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Lezioni e passioni
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema siciliano (Reprise delle meraviglie)
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Donne delle meraviglie
Matteo Curallo: Performer
Tema (Esteso)
Matteo Curallo: Performer

User reviews

Charles Martinez

The delicate balance between light and dark themes in the music mirrors the complex narrative of love, betrayal, and redemption in the film.

Patricia Adams

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, mirroring the enigmatic nature of Donne's character.

Elizabeth Turner

The seamless integration of music with the visuals enhances the overall cinematic experience, immersing the audience in the story's emotional landscape.

Charles Hall

The soundtrack effectively sets the tone for the film, creating a captivating atmosphere that draws the audience into Sophie's world.

Daniel Rodriguez

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Donne perfectly capture the emotional turmoil that Sophie experiences throughout the story.

John Hill

The music in Donne skillfully underscores the emotional arcs of the characters, making their journeys more poignant and relatable.

Steven Jackson

The incorporation of ethereal vocals in certain tracks enhances the ethereal and otherworldly aspects of the story, adding to its enchanting quality.

Emily Roberts

The emotional depth and complexity of the soundtrack in Donne elevates the storytelling to new heights, drawing the audience deeper into Sophie's inner turmoil and struggles. The music not only enhances the dramatic moments of love, betrayal, and redemption but also serves as a powerful emotional anchor that resonates long after the movie has ended.

Matthew Moore

The soundtrack of Donne perfectly captures the haunting and mysterious atmosphere of the story, adding an extra layer of depth to Sophie's emotional journey. The music enhances the sense of isolation and longing that she feels, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the character.

James Scott

The use of subtle melodies and atmospheric sounds in the soundtrack of Donne helps to build tension and suspense throughout the story, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats. The music effectively conveys the sense of unease and intrigue that surrounds the character of Donne, adding to the overall sense of mystery and suspense.

Susan Lee

The use of subtle piano notes in key moments adds a layer of depth to the characters' inner struggles, enhancing the storytelling.

Karen Martin

The hauntingly beautiful melodies linger long after the film ends, resonating with the audience and deepening the impact of Sophie's journey.