Last Night
Last Night is a gripping thriller that follows the story of a young couple, Sarah and David, who find themselves in a dangerous situation after a night out with friends. As they drive home, they are involved in a car accident that leaves them stranded in the middle of nowhere. With no cell phone reception and no one around to help, they must rely on each other to survive the night.
As the hours pass, tensions rise between Sarah and David as they struggle to stay warm and find a way back to civilization. Secrets are revealed and emotions run high as they confront the reality of their relationship and the choices they have made.
Last Night is a suspenseful and intense film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
Last Night
Club Night
Johnny Hawksworth:
Symphony No. 16 in C Major KV 128 - Allegro Maestoso
Take Your Time
Steve Gray:
House of Gods
Mothers of the Night
He Lays in the Reins
Seeds of Night
There Is a Place?
Michael Reisenauer:
Changing Colours
I Guess I'm Floating
A Place in Displacement
So Long, Lonesome
Not at Home (Last Night)