Outbreak Company is a Japanese light novel series written by Ichiro Sakaki and illustrated by Yuugen. The story follows Shinichi Kanou, a young man who is a hardcore otaku with a deep passion for anime, manga, and video games.
One day, Shinichi is kidnapped and taken to a fantasy world called Eldant by the Japanese government. He is tasked with spreading otaku culture in this new world to improve relations between Eldant and Japan.
Shinichi becomes a teacher and starts introducing the people of Eldant to anime, manga, and other aspects of otaku culture. Along the way, he faces challenges and adventures as he tries to bridge the gap between the two worlds.
Outbreak Company explores themes of cultural exchange, diplomacy, and the power of pop culture to bring people together. It is a fun and entertaining series that combines comedy, fantasy, and otaku culture in a unique and engaging way.