Amidst the cruel and unforgiving city is a man who sees the world as it truly is. Ray, played by Chris Dawson, begins to suffer from nightmares and flashbacks that ultimately affect his grasp on reality. Searching for answers, Ray uninvitedly storms in to the office of Dr Lehman, played by Anatoli Grek, who is the epitome of society's norm. Unwillingly Lehman is forced to listen to Ray, who unveils a deep, dark and troubling mind. During their unconventional session, Ray describes in detail his very disturbing nightmares, which have now transformed into powerful flashbacks of things he's never encountered before. Not only does Ray express his personal views on society and organized religion, but he begins to explain that each of his dreams have a common interest and a tragic ending. While describing one of his nightmares, Lehman discovers something all to familiar about this dream. In a turmoil of emotions, Dr Lehman is confused whether or not Ray is psychotic or something more. She must decide whether or not she can trust him. Ray continues to persuade her to his views and promises to show her things she has never seen before. Although she stands firm, she finds herself curious about Ray's world and begins to doubt her previous judgment on this originally perceived, unstable man. Will Dr Lehman decide to trust Ray and follow him into his dark, mysterious realm, or will she stay in her dull, routine life?